Monday 12 May 2014

Asphalt Roll Roofing

Asphalt roll roofing or membrane is a roofing material commonly used for buildings that feature a low sloped roof pitch in North America. The material is based on the same materials used in asphalt shingles; an organic felt or fiberglass mat, saturated with asphalt, and faced with granular stone aggregate.

Asphalt roofing solutions are engineered to provide superior protection against the elements that are known to deteriorate roofs and cause leaks.  With Henry asphalt roof coatings, you can reduce the maintenance cost of your roof and extend its overall life and performance.

Thursday 17 April 2014

The Importance of a Cool Roof

Energy-efficient, cool roofing systems can significantly reduce roof temperatures during the summer, which does in fact improve the performance of the photovoltaic system.  Another benefit of a cool roof is that it can significantly enhance the performance of solar panels by lowering a building’s interior temperature, thus reducing the power load necessary for air conditioning during hot summer days. This has many benefits including cutting energy costs by keeping attics and ducts cooler, improving occupant comfort, cutting maintenance costs, increasing the life cycle of the roof, and reducing urban heat islands along with associated smog.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Sun Tunnel

What is a solar tube and how does a sun tunnel work?

Sun tube, Sun tunnel, Sky tube, Solar light tube, Light tunnel, and Solar tube, a lot of different names for same thing, made by different companies, but they all achieve the same purpose. Capture sunlight; transmit it down either a solid reflective aluminium tube or a shiny flexible vaulted plastic tube in the least number of bounces possible.

Sun Tunnel

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Benefits of Sun Tunnels

Sun Tunnels provide a compact minimally intrusive solution to lighting needs anywhere in the home.  Closets, hallways, kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms can all benefit from installing sun tunnels (also known as sun tubes).  Sun tunnels are composed of a dome fitted to your roof that captures light and directs it down a tube and into your home.  This Eco friendly lighting solution can be installed on pitched and flat roofs.

What are the benefits of Sun Tunnels?
  • Can be installed virtually anywhere
  • Solar tube skylights provide natural sunlight to any area of your home
  • Attached lenses at the bottom of the tube disperses light evenly
  • Much cheaper that installing a traditional skylight
  • Offers huge savings on your energy bills each and every day
  • Provide state and federal tax credits
Benefits of Sun Tunnels

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Roof Maintenance Tips to Protect Your Home

1. Keep Excess Water Off
One of your roof's primary jobs is to keep water out of your house, but your roof needs your help to get rid of the water that falls on it. Make sure to keep your roof's gutters and downspouts in tip-top shape so that it can drain properly, and trim your trees so that they do not hang over the roof, dripping water and shedding leaves into the gutters.

2. Conquer Moss
Keeping your trees trimmed away from the roof will make the roof less friendly to moss by minimizing moss-welcoming shady areas, but moss may still grow. Use Wet & Forget to safely and gently remove any moss on your roof, and re-treat at the first sign of new growth to prevent moss from coming back.

3. Check Your Insulation
Good attic insulation helps keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and it also helps protect your roof. A good layer of insulation on the attic floor with no gap for air to get between the house and the insulation is a must. This prevents big temperature exchanges between the house and attic, which will cause damaging water condensation on the underside of the roof

4. Do a Yearly inspection
Check your roof at least once a year, preferably in the spring, for any signs of damaged or lifted shingles, moss growth, or other problems. If you don't feel comfortable checking the roof yourself, you can hire a roofing professional to do the inspection.

5. Maintain Good Ventilation

Like insulation, good attic ventilation will also protect your roof from damage caused by water condensation. Without good ventilation, water vapor can cause the roof sheathing and rafters to rot and can even damage the shingles. Make sure your attic has good, unobstructed vents with screens to keep birds out. Ventilation fans are available for larger attics.

Roof Maintenance Tips

Friday 14 March 2014

What is Roof Flashing?

What is flashing?
Flashing is a construction detail used to seal and protects joints in a building from water penetration. The joints created by the intersection of the roof and roof mounted structures and projections, such as parapets, hatches, skylights, chimneys, vent stacks, or towers, are among the most vulnerable areas of roofing systems. They constantly expand and contract in response to changes in humidity and temperature. Greater the number of such projections, greater the potential for leaks.

Roof flashing represents a very simple and intuitive engineering technique that has been known for hundreds of years. The whole idea depends almost entirely on gravity. If the flashing has been installed correctly, gravity will work with the flashing material to shed the water onto the regular roofing materials, where it is then directed harmlessly to the ground. Roof flashing is commonly used around chimneys, fan vents, plumbing vent stacks, and other items that project out of residential roofs.

Roof Flashing

Thursday 13 March 2014

Green Roofing Benefits

Moderation of Urban Heat Island Effect

  • Through the daily dew and evaporation cycle, plants on vertical and horizontal surfaces are able to cool cities during hot summer months and reduce the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The light absorbed by vegetation would otherwise be converted into heat energy.
  • UHI is also mitigated by the covering some of the hottest surfaces in the urban environment – black rooftops.
  • Green roofs can also help reduce the distribution of dust and particulate matter throughout the city, as well as the production of smog. This can play a role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting urban areas to a future climate with warmer summers.