Monday 10 February 2014

Facts about Green Roofing

  • The simple act of using a lighter-colored roofing material can make your roof greener.
  • Installing a living roof is a very heavy activity.  You have to be sure your whole home can support the extra weight of soil, plants, and water.
  • The usual warranty period for alternative green roofing (like tile or metal) is often a lot longer than just an asphalt roof.
  • While a living roof or tile roof is very heavy, a metal roof is actually much lighter than those options.
  • If a whole roof change is too much for you, another green option is a tubular skylight.  This offers additional lighting in your home and might get you a tax credit.
  • Green roofing is an important and effective option in helping improve the environment.  Here’s hoping we can all do our part in helping the environment this year.

green roof

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