Thursday, 14 November 2013

ThermaCote Roof and Wall Coatings!!

ThermaCote is a spray applied Thermal Barrier which in it's simplest definition could be described as an 'energy saving paint'. When dry, ThermaCote looks just like flat latex paint, yet conserves energy. Technically, Thermacote is a high performance Thermal Barrier which incorporates ceramic technology to prevent the transfer of heat or cold. It is also available in liquid form. Repels over 600 degress similar to what they use with space shuttles.
At 5 pounds per gallon (<2.27 kilos per 3.78 liters) Ther­ma­Cote is the original lightweight coating (we pioneered them in the mid 1980’s) and will only add approximately 6–12 lbs. a square when properly applied to a roof or any other structure that weight gain from protective coatings might become an issue.
The product contains built in rust/ corrosion inhibitors which make it self-  priming unless dealing with harsh or large areas of rust. The lack of chlorides allows Ther­ma­Cote to apply directly to stainless steel with no pitting. Use Ther­ma­Cote as the primer on new or old Sheetrock for a room to room radiant bar­rier and air ceil­ing. Ther­ma­Cote primes new or fresh blasted steel while at the same time adding radi­ant prop­er­ties against trans­mis­sion of hot or cold. Make Ther­ma­Cote the first coat on new exte­rior con­crete and block walls for a never peel fin­ish that pro­vides paintable pro­tec­tion against U/ V and mois­ture pen­e­tra­tion. Sticks to plas­tic, glass, wood, all met­als, con­crete and masonry sur­faces, fiber­glass, Sty­ro­foam and foam prod­ucts, paper prod­ucts and almost any sur­face that is clean and dry!
Low Dry Fall Rate:

5–10 feet (depend­ing on temp and humid­ity) Ther­ma­Cote will not travel far wet, reduc­ing over­spray and land­ing on sub­se­quent sub­strates as dust to be swept up.

Roof Coatings

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