Monday 4 November 2013

What are the Benefits of Reflective Coverings for Rooftops?

1.       Protection for Your Existing Roof
Reflective coatings for roofs create a protective barrier between the roof substrate and the Sun.  White reflective coatings shield the roof from the chemical breakdown caused by the Sun’s damaging ultra-violet (UV) rays and help minimalize corrosion caused by the weather.  Reflecting the UV rays away from the roof, also allows the roof system’s temperature to remain lower, slowing the substrate’s rate of aging – prolonging the life span of your present roof.
2.       Benefits Are Renewable and Maintainable
Re-applying reflective coatings for roofs every 10 to 20 years provides continuous benefits while allowing you to avoid a costly-tear off indefinitely. 
3.       Financially Favorable
Protecting an existing roof system with reflective coatings can be financially beneficial to building owners
4.       Energy Savings and Environmentally-Friendly
Reflective coatings for roofs also provide energy savings by reflecting the heat from the sun away from the building, allowing little to be absorbed into the building, increasing the efficiency of your HVAC unit because the inside air temperature stays lower.  

Roof Coating

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